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The Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake. A short stroll beyond its gates are streets full of stylish hotels and cafe terraces.
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The Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake. A short stroll beyond its gates are streets full of stylish hotels and cafe terraces.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake. A short stroll beyond its gates are streets full of stylish hotels and cafe terraces. The renowned Prado Museum has classic paintings by Goya, Velázquez and Bosch, and there are regular art exhibits at neo-Gothic city hall Cibeles Palace, which has panoramic city views from the roof deck.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake. A short stroll beyond its gates are streets full of stylish hotels and cafe terraces. The renowned Prado Museum has classic paintings by Goya,
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake. A short stroll beyond its gates are streets full of stylish hotels and cafe terraces.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake. A short stroll beyond its gates are streets full of stylish hotels and cafe terraces.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake. A short stroll beyond its gates are streets full of stylish hotels and cafe terraces. The renowned Prado Museum has classic paintings by Goya, Velázquez and Bosch, and there are regular art exhibits at neo-Gothic city hall Cibeles Palace, which has panoramic city views from the roof deck.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake. A short stroll beyond its gates are streets full of stylish hotels and cafe terraces. The renowned Prado Museum has classic paintings by Goya,
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake. A short stroll beyond its gates are streets full of stylish hotels and cafe terraces.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake.
ExploreThe Retiro neighborhood centers on vast El Retiro Park, with its wooded footpaths, fountains and boating lake.
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